Thursday, June 11, 2009

Smoking Kills................

Tobacco smoking is the practice where tobacco is burned and the vapors either tasted or inhaled. Smoking is the most common method of consuming tobacco, and tobacco is the most common substance smoked. Many smokers begin during adolescence or early adulthood. During the early stages, smoking provides pleasurable sensations and thus serves as a source of positive reinforcement. After an individual has smoked for many years, the avoidance of withdrawal symptoms andnegative reinforcement become the key motivations.

Apart from smoking, tobacco had a number of uses as medicine. As a pain killer it was used for earache and toothache and occasionally as a poultice.
Smoking was said by the desert Indians to be a cure for colds, especially if the tobacco was mixed with the leaves of the small Desert Sage or the root of Indian Balsam or Cough Root, Leptotaenia multifida, the addition of which was thought to be particularly good for asthma and tuberculosis.
Lets hav a luk into the side effects of smoking in our body....
Smoking affects almost all parts of our body ,even the hairs...

Head to toe - smoking effects can be seen on each part of your body. Let's go step by step and find out the dangerous sm

oking effects on your body.


Let's begin from the top i.e. your hair. Smoking effects can be felt on your hair. You hair becomes smelly and stained due to instant smoking effects. Slow hair growth, thinning and graying of hair is also believed to be a direct smoking effect. Your hair will look and feel lifeless and dull.


Smoking effects on brain are highly dangerous. Blockage of carotid artery may cut off the blood supply to the brain cells, which results in stroke (cerebral thrombosis). Blood thickening and clotting arealso serious smoking effects and smokers are 1.5times more likely to have stroke as compared to non-smokers.


Dangerous smoking effects on eyes include common eye diseases such as Graves' ophthalmopathy, age- related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract. The worst smoking effect on eyes can be permanent blindness.


Smoking effects on your nose can rob you of your sense of smell.

Teeth and Gums

Do you ever wonder why your teeth are so yellow and stained? Do your gums bleed every morning you wake up? Well, it's because of the direct smoking effect on your teeth. Also smoking effects are not limited to the appearance of your teeth but also results in plaque, loose teeth,gum disease and gingivitis.

Mouth and Throat

All cancers associated with the larynx,oralcavity and esophagus are fatal smoking effects. The less dangerous smoking effects are reduced sense of taste, sore throat and smelly breath.


Poor blood circulation which leads to cold fingers, tar stained fingers, peripheral vascular disease and amputation due to gangrene are some of the heart-wrenching smoking effects.

Lungs and Respiratory System

The most dreaded lung ca

ncer, feeling out of breath, colds and flu, pneumonia, asthma, cough and sputum, tuberculosis,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, phew... are all smoking effects which will more or less make your life hell.


Two immediate smoking effects on heart and circulation are an increase in your heartbeat rate and a sharp rise in blood pressure.Long term smoking effects are increase in the blood cholesterol and fibrinogen levels and increase in chances of having a heart attack. Smoking effects on your heart leads to coronary heart disease, aneurysm, peripheral vascular disease, stroke etc.

Digestive System

Smoking effects are heartburn, peptic ulcers, Crohn's disease, gallstones and stomach cancer.


Wrinkles, capillaries and premature ageing and scarring are few smoking effects on skin.

Legs and Feet

Beurger's disease, leg pain and gangrene are painful smoking effects.

These are some sad and shocking statistics available regarding smoking :

- About a third of the male adult global population smokes.

- Worldwide, between 80,000 and 100,000 kids start smoking every day.

- Every eight seconds, someone dies from tobacco use. Around five million people around the world die of smoking every year

- About 15 billion cigarettes are sold daily – or 10 million every minute.

- Among young teens (aged 13 to 15), about one in five smokes worldwide.

Logo of the World No Tobacco Day

So dear frds as youall have read you can c wat all r the side effects of smoking....

I have heard the story of a chain smoker frm one of my lectures...He was a chain smoker and he used to smoke atleast 50-100 cigaretes a day.Fortunately he once had a
meeting with one of the greatest doctor.The man told the doctor tht he was desperate to give up the habit of smoking .The main thng tht he told is tht he used to start shivering once he doesnt smoke. The only prescription tht the doctor told the man was to take bananas whenever he shivers.

The result was amazing ....
The man gav up the habit of smoking after 1 year..I thnk so...
Nt only tht the man's character had also changed a lot...
The man became strengther thn he once was...

Smoking not only damages the organs as were explained earlier bt also makes a huge change in the character of people..
An other type of smoking is passive smokig..
In INDIA women seldom smokes.Bt we can see tht there is cancer in women too .The main reason for this is passive smoking...
So frds if my article needs to be complete atleast any one of u who reads this article should take the promise tht u will giv up smoking if ur a smoker also tht u wont smoke .....U can try ur own ways to stop smoking....

Bye frds....

31st May is very significant for the anti-smoking effort worldwide as it has been declared as the World No Tobacco Day by the WHO.

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